TSPOON All/ Regeneration Strategies/ Landscapes/ Light Infrastructures/ Urban Spaces/ Architectures/ Temporary Spaces/ Interiors NEW CELANO CENTERrenewal of the old city center public spaces GAE AULENTI. UNO SGUARDO SUL GIAPPONE E SUL MONDOexhibition for the Italian Cultural Institute of Tokyo FREESPACEstreet renewal in Merano LA PENTANAallestimento degli spazi esterni di Rocca Janula per Creative Living Lab 3 MERAVIGLIOSO URBANObike and pedestrian network GAE AULENTI: A CREATIVE UNIVERSEexhibition for the Vitra Schaudepot LAMBORGHINI&DESIGN. CONCORSO ELEGANZAsetting up for the parade of historic Lamborghini cars VILLAGGIO OLIMPICO MMXIXurban park and public space BARI COSTA SUDredevelopment of the coastal area LAUDOMIAextension of the municipal cemetery EN ESCENAurban stage FRONTE/RETROlinear park on the ex-railway of Fincantieri CASA FBapartment in San Giovanni WANDERWALLrenovation of the path along the ancient Walls THE COLLABORATIVE MILEurban regeneration of an access road MUSEO DELLE ACQUEexhibition pavilion by the lake GIARDINI DI FALANTOenhancement of Mar Piccolo CASA GCapartment in Garbatella THE MEXTROPOLI CUT-OUT SETurban device for adaptable public space RIQUALIFICAZIONE DEL CENTRO DI CHAMPOLUCmobility and new public spaces CASA FGapartment in Parioli RACCONTI DI TERRA E DI MARErequalification of the waterfront MARKETHALLoutdoor exhibition at MAXXI for YAP2015 ZOLLEjuice bar and fruit and vegetable shop VIGNA VELATAtemporary garden in Cascina Langa GUARDA-MIredevelopment of the Cavalcavia Bussa PREDAZZO: UNA MARCIA IN PIÚbike and pedestrian network TUNE UP, ZUGLÒ!redevelopment of the areas along the creek ECOBORGOmixed-use development AI CONFINI DELLA REALTÀurban revitalization of a residual area ORDINARIO/STRAORDINARIOtemporary installation in a parking lot WHITE GARDENpavilion on the beach of Scala dei Turchi LINEAR PARK OF THE ANCIENT VIA COLLATINAbike and pedestrian route THYRUSinstallation in Piazza della Repubblica CITY-HOUNDsocial network of underused urban spaces PICK&EATtemporary km0 garden ARCIPELAGO VERDEdevelopment strategy OPEN BLOCKnew housing settlement PARCO RADICELLIurban park and sports center PARCO DELLE SABINEurban park in the Municipality of Bufalotta SALVINO CAMPOS. OSCAR NIEMEYER.photo exhibition set-up CIVITA CITTÀ SOSPESArenewal of the town access walkway THE BIG HUGmasterplan for the Helsinki metropolitan area SLOWCOSTUMEcostume design atelier PIC PUZZLEinteractive installation for Attraversamenti 09