temporary km0 garden | Giardini delle Serre – Villa Reale, Monza | 2012


#eatingtogether #vegetablegarden #conviviality #food #ecology

Sitting around the table is a social ritual: in everyday life this action is related to the preparation and consumption of food, but also to conviviality and meeting time. Especially on holidays, when different people and personalities get together around the table, it is possible to generate unexpected synergies. Through the smells and the colors of the food, the noise of chatter and cutlery, the tactile sensation of different materials and different flavors, the five senses are continually challenged and put in interaction with each other, imprinting memories and feelings that will persist over time.

Pick & Eat activates a zero kilometer conviviality: around the central table you can sit, shop, meet and discuss while you’re eating the fruits and vegetables from among those planted in the garden behind you. Pick & Eat is made of waste materials from the industrial production, economic, ecological and recyclable.

So what are you waiting for? Tutti a tavola!


type: commision
status: built
client: private
floriculturist: Francesco Ghezzi