reactivation of Mar Piccolo territory | Taranto | 2016-18
#strategy #landscape #slowmobility #reuse #infrastructure
The territorial unit of Mar Piccolo is a naturalistic and archaeological area with a totally unexpressed potential value. This place is unique for its natural conformation (the two seas of Taranto), for the wetland and marine biodiversity that it welcomes despite the state of degradation and pollution, and for the historical and archaeological presence still visible today. The task is to define an innovative and integrated territorial development model that considers the redevelopment of a degraded area as a complex multidisciplinary process, self-sustaining and capable of generating new economies.
Giardini di Falanto is therefore a long-term and broad planning framework, which aims to host different project initiatives, carried out by different subjects, but all directly or indirectly linked to the identity of the areas of Mar Piccolo, to their history and to a few simple guidelines that identify the general rules within the particular processes are included. It is a participatory and shared process to implement sustainable and excellent activities within green and blue economy, social innovation, sustainable mobility, research and technology transfer.
The objective is to build a renewal process starting from the existing, from the available resources of the territory, and working on certain issues (mobility, territorial identity, biodiversity, economic development) that define the guidelines in which the different project actions are then inserted consistently.
Among these, the starting point for the enhancement of the entire territorial unit is the project to convert the former Circumarpiccolo railway into an equipped cycle and pedestrian path. Once the territory becomes accessible and infrastructured, it can easily return to life, redefining its new role within the city: the infrastructure of the area will be the trigger mechanism capable of stimulating public and private initiatives to start new activities and a network of local economies. The construction of the cycle and pedestrian circuit and the reactivation of the former disused tolls, that can host activities linked to sustainable mobility, tourism and local production, allow the connection of the city and the territory in a continuous, ecological and sustainable way, making it possible to discover and experience the resources and character of the area.

type: research/commission
status: ongoing
client: Ance, Accademia degli Audaci